We are proud to present our "Occitania" livery as well as our "Retro" livery for the QPAC Airbus A320 and our "Occitania" livery for the JARDesign A320, the Flight Factor Airbus A320 Ultimate, as well as the the ToLiss Airbus A319.
Please find below some information on each of the two liveries, such as the aircraft carrying each livery, the airports where the planes are based and so on, as well as a short demo video for each of the liveries.
To download the livery for a particular registration just click on the tile with the plane registration.
Alternatively you can download the livery for all regisitrations by using the tile at the end of each section ... and you can download our "Retro" livery as a scenery object for X-Plane.
Thanks to the efforts of royaloak our "Occitania" livery is now also available for the JARDesign A320. Just click on the icon below to download the livery from the x-plane.org website.